Julie Countess, MD, Cumberland Skin and Dermatology

We’re in the best spot we have ever been in for technology.

Logo for Cumberland Skin and Dermatology - client of BlueCore TechnologyJulie Countess, MD
Samantha Lee
Tech Liaison/Administrative Assistant

Cumberland Skin and Dermatology

Samantha Lee says that before the staff at Cumberland Skin and Dermatology found BlueCore, the practice went through several other managed IT companies and consultants throughout the Nashville area.

“That was just like throwing money out the window,” she says.

Before aligning with BlueCore, every tech issue required an on-site visit from their vendor at an hourly rate. Sometimes the problem would persist, and someone would have to come back out, all at the expense of the practice.

“With BlueCore, we actually get the right help,” Samantha says. “The team is great and do what they need to do.”

The physicians in the practice agree.

“We’re in the best spot we have ever been in for technology,” emphasizes Dr. Julie Countess, one of the partners in the practice.

In fact, Samantha claims the practice’s recent move to a new office would not have been possible without BlueCore. The team helped her with choosing and ordering new desktops and physically set up the new computers and printers in the new office, all in time for the new location to open to patients.

“I never would’ve gotten it done without them.”

Samantha also trusts BlueCore to help her with technology planning.

“Right now, we are at max server capacity,” she explains. “I’ve been talking to my BlueCore folks about how to make the case for that, how I can best explain what this means to the physicians and what it means for our practice, in the best way for everyone to understand and get on board.”

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